4-27-15 hey we are here post


The good news is that we already have work for clients! The bad news is that we didn’t have a website to show how legitimate we are. Well glad we’ve got that taken care of!

It’s not that we didn’t want to do this, we just took much longer than we thought. We tend to execute the vision of our clients much more easily than the vision of our own projects. So when it came to building our own website, we asked, “what can we do with a blank page?”

I am on blanks page a lot. As a writer, I see them every day. Many, many times a day. Sometimes I’m on pages with words on them that I must alter to make better, other times I’m on a page where I must create something wonderful. The same goes for our own site—I must create something wonderful.

Some days are better than others. Some days your brain tells you she isn’t really interested in working. Other days she decides to at the most inopportune time—4:30 a.m., for example, when you’re most definitely suppose to wake up in just a couple of hours to actually use her. Couldn’t she wait?

Well brain power isn’t on your schedule. She’s on hers. Embrace it when she decides to work and nudge her when she doesn’t want to. If only we could call creativity like we call our dogs, we’d be filthy stinkin’ rich (with some top-notch loyalty to boot).

I’m happy we’re here, and I hope those who find us are happy, too.